Thanks for your query. Ad booking in Sambad can be done through our ad agency which is highly reliable. You can book ads in just three easy steps.Log in to our site and book ads in a hassle free manner.For any queries call or chat with us at:9030119494.Email us at
Where do i know the ad rates of Sambad
Ad rates mainly depends on the publication, type of ad,number of lines of the ad. You can know the ad rates of Sambad by visiting our site Log in to our site and click on Sambad rate card.
I am planning to book Business ad in Cuttack, can you please help me find out which is the best publication
Thanks for your query. Sambad is the most popular Odia daily and has to its credit as being the first to introduce offset printing technology in the state. This is the best publication to book your ads. You can book ads in Sambad at low cost through our site. Just log in to our site and know the ad booking process. For queries chat or call us at:9030119494