You can now book classified ads online in all leading newspapers through book4ad. Book4ad is a newspaper ad online booking system which provides a convenient platform to book classified ads online. Book4ad has incorporated all leading Newspapers in online advertising system, so that you can book classified ads online instantly at low rates.
Classified ads are the small or short ads that are published in the “CLASSIFIEDS” Column of the newspaper. Advertising through the classified ads is the best approach to reach to the targeted audience.
There are two types of classified ads:
- Classified Text Ads: The classified text ads are the short text ads that are published in the “Classifieds” section of the newspaper and these ads are charged as per line.
- Classified Display Ads: The classified display ads are also short ads that are published in with some background color and with different font styles and size. These ads are charged as per
Follow the 3 simple and easy steps to book classified ads online for all leading newspapers in India.
Select Ad Type, Category and Ad Details
a. Select your ad type as text classified ad or classified display ad based on your requirements.
b. Then choose the category and relevant subcategory
c.Select the language in which language you want to publish the ad
d. Compose your ad in selected language with the help of sample ads.
e. You can see your ad preview and no. of characters and words on right side of the page
Schedule Ad
Here you can go by two ways.
a. One is through “select by city “
and the other one is through “select by publication” i.e. by newspaper
b. After that you can select your packages and special offers
c. You can now select in which dates you want to publish the ads
d. You can select the background color or text color for highlighting the ads.
3. Confirm and pay
a. Here you can see your Ad Details and Summary of total Payment Details including GST and Payment Breakup. If you want to specify any instructions/ request you can post it there, we always try to fulfill your concerns.
b. Make Payment option will take you to the secure payment, there you can select different payment options, like Credit, Debit cards, Net Banking, 9 Wallets. In Summary Page you can also select offline payment option.
You can now book classified ads online in newspapers easily and instantly through book4ad by simply following the above steps. provides a unique perception to create, customize & display your advertisement even before it goes for publication. It offers a service to save time and let a clear representation for your approval.
Book classified ads online in newspapers through Avoid all the difficult tasks and just try it online through book4ad to simply book your advertisement in any of the leading newspaper.
Check Out for Classified Ad Rates of all leading publications.